As my eyes started to shut involuntarily from the sleepiness (it was pretty late, keep in mind), I heard the good ol' sound of a random popping. So, I burst into action! I take a sip of water, crack my knuckles, and get ready for some Warsong Gulch. As I pop in, I find the Horde in a sorry disheveled state of arguing over whether a shaman should stay back and defend the FR or go on defense, which I tried to stop by saying, "Guys, it depends on their spec, and what they are best at as a player," for which I got berated by both sides of the argument (what the hell?). They quickly lost this allegiance, went back to arguing with each other, and died down once the gate dropped. I thought things would be going fine. Until, when I see three 80's get.... well, just look in the bottom left corner of the screen cap.

You can't see all of them in this cap, but seeing 80's get this was certainly one of those moments where you ask yourself, "What have I done, queueing for this BG? WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!" I died many times-oh, so many times-because out of four people on D, myself included, three of them got the Honorable Kill achievement. And this is not 5000, 10000, or any large number of honorable kills. I wouldn't complain about that. This is an honorable kill, one, uno. Come on, people. A little late, eh?
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