Just chillin in Grizzlemaw...
I queue, and it pops within a couple minutes (unbelievable, right?). So, I enter my instance. My loading screen delays a while, and I see that because my character had appeared to others to be standing at the entrance, unmoving, for about 15 dam seconds, one of the players had attempted to kick me. This, my reader, was the start of our trouble here. I start to move into Gundrak, and before I can jump into the water, I see "o gret. Anothr nub huntard." *Siiiggghhhhh* Another player that can't learn to shut his mouth about hunters. "Why don't you wait and see if my dps wipes our raid," I said. (We ended up wiping three times, the only three times I've ever wiped in Gundrak, because our tank kept standing by while our healer died, but I digress). And it was this point that I fell into the pit of arguing over hunter dps in dungeons. PLEASE do not do this, under any circumstance, while playing as a hunter. It's exactly what they want. Just brush your shoulders off, and let your damage do the talking. For those without a lot of damage, say, I'm learning, and do just that. Learn. Because that is what WoW is for a first-time player, or even a vet who doesn't know how to play their class yet. And when a group gangs up on you, and kicks you out, don't sweat the BS. Just move one, queue again, and do your own thang. The hate surrounding hunters is abound, and I will admit that this is not unwaranted to many. Hunters who: don't know how to control their pets, use traps, aspects (especially of the viper), etc, etc are many. But if a hunter can learn to do these things, we shall strike down upon the nay-sayers with great vengeance!!! 
Who gets the joke? C'mon!
We'll show them.
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