I was in The Culling of Stratholme the other day, and decided I would take a quick shot for all of the readers (if any exist). I've been getting this dungeon for my random quite a bit lately, as I've been trying to build my emblem and raiding set. I see Huugg as a human, and it's been getting me thinking about making a human. I've hated humans since my WoW conception, because they are the central race of the Alliance. However, as I play more, I have dulled down my Alliance hate as I start to meet chill people on that side of the banner. So, seeing my character transformed as a human (granted, this is not the haircut or face I would want) makes me realize how cool they can look. Maybe a Night Elf (Garwulf much?) or Dwarf, but I think I want to experience the Alliance side of the game before Cataclysm comes along and tears up that experience forever. If you have any thoughts on this (by "you" I
mean a reader, but I might just be talking to myself), drop me a comment and let me know what race you like the most Alliance side, and why, because I just can't decide which I should take up. If you decide to comment, please base what race you like best on their game experience, as well as their looks, because if the gaming's fun, but the character's a little ugly (Tauren) then I would be down to play them.
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