I got the achievement! I would say it's been a long time coming, but I actually got it on my second go at it... the first go was one day prior. But still, it feels good to have it done, especially because of how quickly we took down all the leaders. We swept through like a horde (haha) of barbarians, and destroyed their leaders with little player resistance. Even when the Alliance managed to respond to our last hit at Iron Forge, they were far to late with far too little. They did have around thirty people, but our little 25 still destroyed them.

I feel like a king, riding atop my Black War Bear. Granted, it's not my favorite looking mount, but it definitely does have a certain status surrounding it. You know, of pure awesomeness and dominion over the game.

I don't know how many of you have experienced this, but the feeling I got when traveling, on a rampage for the leaders and players of the Alliance, was great.

It really makes you feel good, knowing you'll soon be destroying the figurehead of the enemy, with no hope for the other side of stopping you. Yes, it's great, and hopefully I'll be feeling it again sometime, because even without the promise of one of the most sought-after achievements in the game, it's damn fun. Here's one last screen shot of me in the graveyard near Iron Forge after being killed. Once we killed the King, a surge of Alliance came for our heads. Even as a hunter, you can only survive for so long.

P.S. To all you Alliance players, no hard feelings, alright?
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